The Most Common Fears Of Children

Children are often afraid of the dark, of the doctor, or have nightmares. Today we invite you to learn more about this topic. 
The most common fears of children

Fears  are part of children’s natural learning processes, but it is important that they also learn to deal with and overcome them.

Parents play a particularly important role in this. Because they  are there to support their children and to help them overcome their  fears 

Every child has different reasons for fear, but there are some triggers that keep coming up in very similar forms. Today’s article is about the most common childhood fears and how to get rid of them.

Fears in the dark

The darkness scares many children. They often suffer from it when they are very young (around 2 years old). Because then they become aware that they are alone in a dark room.

  • Accompany your child in the dark for a while so that they know that they don’t have to be afraid.
  • Turn on a small night light  so the room isn’t completely dark.
  • You can also stick glowing stars and a moon on the ceiling to make the room a little brighter at night.
  • If you think up stories about the sun, the moon and the stars,  your child will understand that they are always protected by these elements of the sky.

Fears from nightmares

Nightmares are also very common in children. The child will then wake up nervous and sweating, and may also scream. 

In that case, you have to calm them down and explain that it was just a dream and not a reality; that everything was only happening in his imagination. At this moment the child needs a lot of love and understanding from the father and mother, who should always be there to support him. 

Fears from nightmares

Fears from masks or costumes

Many children are afraid of people in disguise, especially when they are wearing masks. Because they don’t know who is hiding behind it. That is why they are suspicious and fearful.

The solution is very simple: the disguised person can simply show the child their real face  so that they can see that a nice person is hiding behind them. 

Children also have a lot of fun when they can dress up at home and thereby also lose the fear of masks and costumes.

Fears in the water

Many children are afraid of water, but it usually becomes one of their favorite pastimes in a short time. The following reasons could be responsible for this:

  1. Children can be afraid because they know they cannot breathe underwater.
  2. A traumatic event can also trigger fears in the water. 

Don’t force your child to go to the swimming pool or the ocean when they’re scared. You have to give them time and explain that others can have fun in the water and that they can overcome their fear as well. 

Fears at the doctor

Fears of going to the doctor

Children are also often afraid of doctors  because they think of pain when they do so. You should therefore explain to your child that the doctor will take care of their health. Prepare them for the doctor’s visit so they are less nervous.

The child needs to know that the doctor will help him. The behavior of the doctor is of course also important in overcoming these fears. A pediatrician should always be friendly and child-loving.

You can promise your little darling a small reward if they are good at the doctor and overcome their fears.

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