The Partnership With A Child – Now There Are Three Of You!

The partnership with a child is an important obstacle in life. There is a “before” and an “after” birth. Life as a couple is no longer the same after the arrival of a child. Life with your partner inevitably and often unexpectedly changes: you will drastically adjust your everyday life, your priorities and your appointments. 
The partnership with a child - now there are three of you!

The partnership with a child is an important turning point in life. There is a “before” and an “after” birth. Life as a couple is no longer the same after the birth of a child. Living with your partner inevitably and often unexpectedly changes. You will drastically adjust your daily life, your priorities and your appointments. 

Hobbies and all kinds of pastimes are a thing of the past. Instead, you are now enjoying activities that you could never have imagined before. You are suddenly redefining “fun”. And you both stop thinking of yourself primarily. Instead, you focus on the new living being in the family. The partnership with a child is different, but no less beautiful. 

In this article we will show you how  the partnership with a child changes after the birth. And we are sure that you can fully understand what we are describing. Nobody says that we win or lose when we become mothers. Not even whether our days are getting better or worse. There is only one reality: everything changes and is shaped by life itself. 

Life without a child

Life in the relationship without a child was very different – to put it mildly. The time was still entirely yours. You could be spontaneous and do what you wanted. Nothing was pressing and you could devote yourself fully to your partner.

The partnership with a child

You and he – you could go dancing, go to the movies, drink coffee or visit relatives. You could do these things together or separately, it didn’t matter. The idea was to enjoy the babbling time. She was yours.

You always had in the back of your mind that if you didn’t feel like it, you didn’t have to leave the house. Everything could be postponed. Whether planned or improvised, everything was worth paying homage to your partner or yourself.  You have not failed yourself and spoiled yourself every day.

The partnership with a child – now there are three of you!

With the first child you will witness a change in your life. You now appreciate the way you lose control of the time that was yours. Your first priority now is the child.

As a parent, it all depends on the child’s needs. You find out about the weather when you make plans. His health and mood are relevant to even the smallest of decisions. The goal is to always give him a fun experience.

The amenities of each place that is visited must be taken into account. All goals that are targeted must be appropriate and meet the child’s need for security.

In various parks and gardens you try to entertain it with games and develop all cognitive and physical potential in the process.  The goal is always: to keep a constant smile on your face. 

Life and relationships with children inevitably change

Coming home will also be different. If you used to come home from work tired, you would take off your shoes, lay down on the couch and have some rest. You could have a cup of coffee. You watched a series or a film until you closed your eyes. This is what many of your evenings looked like.

The partnership with a child

Today, however, you go to your child’s school after work. Cake, ice cream or other sweets are the pampering things that can mess up the tight schedule. All your tiredness must give way to the ardent need to experience the joy of this innocent gift that life has given you.

Weekends have a different rhythm

Weekends and holidays are no longer the same either. Now it’s about visiting parks and gardens. Cross-country you run after the little one, up and down the ramp that captures his attention. You dance to any music, no matter where.

You sing children’s songs, enjoy children’s films. Until you fall asleep you tell children’s stories and make up games. You celebrate at children’s parties with clowns, magicians and piñatas.

When you have a child, you start to see from a new perspective every day. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and even birthdays take on a new meaning. The value of a family day also opens up to you now.

A thousand clocks cannot tell the time like your child does. Every minute counts, every second slips away like sand between our fingers. A quick bath is a three-way water fight. And that’s you. In the midst of your parents’ struggle, when all you really asked for was peace. You are wet from head to toe and have a stomach ache from laughing.

The partnership with a child

You and your partner are no longer like they were before

After your child arrives, you are no longer like you were before. You have changed, matured, grown and learned new things.

Now you understand the strength of the purest and noblest love that kindles a fire in you if you just look into your child’s face. Now you know: there is no better investment of your time. You loved your past life, but you also love this new phase of life.

You open your life to this family of three (and more in the future). Nothing in this world can match the joy you feel today. Every day you choose to be a mother and a wife.

They say a child changes life as a couple. It’s true: now you and your partner are one, connected by this little love.

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