These Are The Best Kid Jokes!

In this article, you’ll find fun kid jokes that you can use to make the little ones in the house laugh at anytime.
These are the best kid jokes!

It is a wonderful thing to hear a child laugh. A good sense of humor has to be a part of young people’s lives,  kid jokes help build that sense.

When should you tell jokes to kids? Well, there is no specific time for this. You could do it on a birthday or when your child is bringing a friend home for lunch.

Children’s jokes can also be  very entertaining at a family  gathering , or simply when you want to create a good mood at dinner. Laughter is the best medicine! That is why almost every moment is perfect for creating a good mood.

What makes good kid jokes?

If you’re looking for a good kid joke, keep in mind that the best jokes for the little ones are short and get to the point quickly. The longer the tension curve, the more likely the younger listeners will wander.

They should include situations that are fun and understandable for children. They should also be easy to remember. There are even jokes that have a certain educational aspect and are still interesting for children.

Kid jokes

Lots of kid jokes can make adults laugh too. In some cases this is due to the innocence of the jokes; in others because they reflect very real situations.

Some jokes consist of absurd stories that are either very far-fetched, a little twisted, or just plain unbelievable. The real laughs, however, are usually very simple.

The best jokes for children are told in age-appropriate language. The underlying sense of humor is simple, the joke is short and memorable.

Examples of short children’s jokes

  • Hey dad, what’s it like to have such a handsome son?
  • I don’t know my son, maybe you should ask your grandfather.

In class the teacher says:  If I have 6 apples in one hand and 4 in the other, what do I have? Johnny replies: Pretty big hands, teacher.

Once upon a time there was a man so small he could sit on a coin on the floor without his feet touching him.

Two mosquitoes were riding a motorcycle, one of which was standing the whole trip. Then the other asks:

  • What’s wrong with you?
  • Nothing, I think I just swallowed a fly.

What’s an astronaut’s favorite bar?

  • A Mars bar.

Hey mom, my teacher says I can’t concentrate.

  • Johnny, this is the second time. You live next door!

    More jokes for school age kids

    Johnny comes home and tells his mother :

    • Mom, I have good news and bad news.
    • Okay, the good guys first, please.
    • I have a ten in math!
    • And what’s the bad news?
    • That I lie and have to go back to detention.

    Why doesn’t Spongebob have a green back?

    • If he had a green back, his name would be Scotch Brite.

    I’m tired of people talking behind my back all the time!

    • But they are taxi drivers.
    • Oh right …

    The teacher in class :

    • Johnny, what’s the last letter in the alphabet?
    • It’s “T”.
    • Really? Don’t you think it’s “Z”?
    • No teacher, otherwise it would be called “Alphabez”.

    There was once a man who was so lucky that he sat on the needle while resting on a haystack.

    The children leave class and talk to each other:

    • Hey, how did the test go for you?
    • I have not filled in anything.
    • What about you two?
    • We didn’t fill out anything either.
    • Oh no! Teacher probably thinks I’ve copied from you!

    A phone call:

    • Hello?
    • Hello, are you doing laundry here?
    • No.
    • But that’s a bit gross, isn’t it?

    The sense of humor in children

    It has been shown that children laugh up to ten times more than adults. Small children, for example, laugh at almost anything.

    Crying and laughing are the first ways babies communicate with those around them.

    Although young children start laughing about certain things, others, such as when you tickle them or make faces, take a little longer to develop a sense of it.

    Until they are 6 months old, children don’t know if something is funny or not. 

    At one year it is children themselves who make us and others laugh. By the age of 4 you will be able to understand verbal humor. From now on you can theoretically understand even the simplest jokes.

    Then, when your child is that age, take the chance and make them laugh in a very simple way. Share all the kid jokes you’ve collected!

    Life should be lived with love and humor. Love helps us to understand life, humor helps us to endure it. 

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