Things We Have To Say To Our Children

There are things we have to say to our children. Throughout our lives we try to use our potential and constantly improve ourselves as people. In order for us to do this, we need to feel loved. And that’s just one reason why it’s so important that you tell your own children that you love them.
Things we have to say to our children

We humans need confirmation in order to feel good. We want to know that we are valued, that we are admired, liked, or loved. The more we are loved, the better we are. Therefore, expressing love is one of the things we need to say to our children. 

Why is it so important to tell them we love them?

When we say that it is necessary to show affection to your child in order for them to be emotionally healthy and happy, we mean that it is important that we show them our feelings in order for them to feel good. Because through different expressions of our affection we contribute to his well-being.

Now that doesn’t mean that you should do everything for your children and constantly have to say cheesy phrases about yourself. Doing so would only forgive your children and even entrench controlling behaviors in them. And that’s not the way to emotional health.

“Create a determining and at the same time loving home. This will enable them to grow up emotionally stable and to develop into individuals within society. “

Verbal expressions of affection are a magical ingredient in this potion. A good dose of praise is accompanied by love, understanding, and acceptance. Proponents of “positive parenting” say that verbal expressions of affection not only make children feel loved but also protected. What often seems so banal or self-evident are precisely the things that we have to say to our children.

Things we have to say to our children

Here are the best things to say to your child to help remind them of how much they mean to you and make them feel better.

As the saying goes: There is nothing better than saying the right thing at the right time in the right words. 

8 things we need to say to our children:

  • I love you! There is no wrong time to repeat how you feel about your child and thereby strengthen the emotional bond between you.
  • You make me so happy. What could be better for your children than knowing that they are the ones to bring joy to your heart and home?
  • You’re Marvellous. Always remind your children of what they have to give. Motivate them to get things done. Help them up when they stumble and fall. Build their self-esteem with a sense of security and let them know that they are valuable. Give them independence and autonomy so that they can spread their wings based on what they are and what they can become.
  • I believe in you! That, too, is one of the things we children have to say. Tell him again and again that with effort and dedication, everyone in their life can achieve what they aspire to. You just have to work for it, with discipline and perseverance. It doesn’t matter if your child thinks from time to time that they can’t do something. Show them that you believe in them and that you are giving them the support they need to keep trying.

Things we need to say to our children

  • I am very proud of you. Without a doubt, this is one of the most important things we have to say to our children. Always show them how proud you are of them, no matter how small their progress is. It doesn’t matter if the steps are slow; what is important is that you know that. In other words: tell them how proud you are of them and what they do. It will make you stronger.
  • I am absolutely sure that you can do it. Show your little ones that you have complete confidence in their abilities and skills. Feed their talents even when they feel defeated. But don’t wait until they feel bad. Try to tell them in good times and bad.
  • I love spending time with you. But be careful. This is not just about telling them you enjoy their presence, it’s about demonstrating it. There is no better education than that which includes true quality time. By spending time with your children, doing things together, and playing with each other, you are building the bond between you. Learning, having fun and loving each other – all of this is a pleasure.
  • I am grateful for our time together. Make it clear to them that you couldn’t have been happier since the first time you felt them in your stomach. The same goes for the moment you first saw her. You will realize that you are not alone in your gratitude. Your children are also happy and grateful that they have their mother with them.

    As you can see, these are 8 very simple things to say to your children. But what they can do is enormous. It’s about being a good communicator and being able to express your feelings for those you love.

    If we can put our feelings into words, then we can ensure a good childhood for our sons and daughters. Don’t forget that your love for her is what will make her well-being later. 

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