This Is How Millennial Parents Tick

Millennial parents were born in the 80s and 90s. They are also known as “Generation Y”. In this post we cover the characteristics of their unique cultural identity.
This is how millennial parents tick

In general, millennial parents are more thoughtful people who appreciate the right to freedom of expression. That is why they live in hyper connectivity (in real time) connected to the internet through various types of social media.

Millennial parents have also seen major technological breakthroughs and developments. This allows them to adapt well to changes.

You are very interested in advanced technologies.

Millennials also tend to be very diverse and active. You are socially well connected to the world. They reject disinformation and passivity.

Traits of Millennial Parents

Millennial parents are emotional and responsible

  1. Millennial parents are now between 25 and 30 years old.
  2. Most of them have a university degree or a technical education. Some of them may still be studying.
  3. You like to learn foreign languages.
  4. They are well informed about their civil rights and obligations.
  5. Many work freelance from home. This enables them to better organize and manage their time.
  6. You are very familiar with popular culture and enjoy watching series and films on current topics and events.
  7. They take good care of their health and exercise a lot to keep themselves as fit as possible.
  8. Millennial parents are well connected to their children through their smartphones.
  9. Some interact and communicate with their children through social media, especially when they are out and about a lot.
  10. They attach great importance to doing their job well as parents and turn to their children and relatives intensively.

The benefits of being a millennial parent

  • Millennial parents value intense emotional affection and know that every little thing counts. You are emotional and responsible.
  • They like to broaden their horizons. This allows them to experience more with their children.
  • You are very familiar with advanced technologies. So you can always find the information you want. For example, if you want to know how to relieve your child’s stomach ache, just look on the internet for a solution.
  • Millennial parents are very style conscious. You don’t necessarily go with fashion, but you want to look good and individual for yourself.
  • They love to take selfies with their kids to create digital albums or share them on social media.
  • You use apps to support you in everyday life, such as a calendar or notes, to be reminded of appointments or to create a shopping list.
  • When their children do homework on a topic the millennial parents are unfamiliar with, they quickly find out about it on the Internet. If they are well informed, they will help their children.
  • Millennial parents follow new trends or even set them themselves. It happens on a smaller and larger scale. So not only can they color their hair with chalk, but also adopt a minimalist lifestyle.

Millennial parents should protect their children's privacy

Tips for Millennial Parents

Use the internet appropriately. This is especially important in order to be a good role model for your children. This protects privacy and prevents many other problems.

Even if the Internet is fascinating and practical, you should be able to switch off from it in order not to forget to work without the Internet and a smartphone.

Board games and other activities that do not require the internet or other new technology are good choices to make this disconnection easier.

Millennial parents like to share their experiences on internet forums, blogs or similar platforms. You can try to find out something specific here or share advice, anecdotes and experiences.

This information research and the exchange with others can be very helpful, but also overwhelming and lead in the wrong direction.

It is therefore important to be able to assess the quality of the content and the veracity of various sources.

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