This Is How You Talk To Your Child About Strangers

Not everyone is what they seem at first glance, and hardly anyone shows who they really are. Your child needs to know that too.
This is how you talk to your child about strangers

Talking to your child about strangers is not always an easy task. But it is very important that they understand the difference between being polite and being safe.

Not everyone is what they seem at first glance, and hardly anyone shows who they really are. 

It is very important that every couple around the world take the time to have this conversation with their children. In doing so, they help to protect the lives of their children in a possible future scenario.

There are four words that many adults heard over and over again in their childhood: “Don’t talk to strangers!”

However, there are many incidents of abducted children and that of course worries every mother and father around the world.

Children tend to talk to almost everyone. While it’s great that they are so friendly, you have to be careful with them when they are so open to everyone.

You need to teach your child the balance between being kind and recognizing hazards so that they can protect themselves. 

Choose your words wisely

Experts say that it is best not to use the word “stranger” when talking to your children about the subject.

There are all sorts of adults (family members, people your child knows, and real strangers) who might try to seduce your child.

It is therefore important that your child knows that in certain situations they should not only be suspicious of strangers.

Stranger - Stranger-2These horrible people don’t frighten children right from the start, but start talking to them in a friendly and charming manner.  It is very easy to kidnap a child with a toy or a candy.

This is how you talk to your child about strangers

To make sure your child knows what to do, you should ask them the following questions, among others:

What if an adult offers you candy or a toy? What do you do when a man asks you if you can help him find his lost dog? 

Wait for your child’s answer and then explain to them that just like they shouldn’t pet strangers’ dogs, they shouldn’t talk to strangers either.

Your child needs to understand that they can only talk to strangers when they are accompanied by mom or dad or an adult they really trust.

Even if an adult they know and trust acts weird, your child should know that they need to let mom and dad know right away. 

If your child asks you why they can’t accept candy or toys from strangers, or why they can’t help strangers find their dog, you shouldn’t say “because you could be kidnapped”.

It’s better if you come up with something like, “although most people are good, there are some bad people in the world, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

It is also necessary for your child to understand that there is nowhere they can go without your permission.

Plan ahead

Role play is an easy and fun way to teach your child what to say and do in potentially dangerous situations.

Remember that in certain situations it is necessary for your child to seek help from an adult. It is therefore important that you play through all possible scenarios.

For example, if your child is lost, they will need to seek help from adults. Let them know that they can talk to a store clerk or another mother with children.

Strangers - strangers

Teach your child to trust their instincts

You need to train your child to trust their instincts when it comes to other people, not just strangers. The majority of abuse cases take place with adults whom the child already knows.

It is therefore extremely important that your child knows the difference between things that are okay and things that are not.

You can tell your child things like:  If you feel strange or your stomach starts to hurt, then you should trust your instincts. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, stay away and tell an adult you trust about it.

It is a good idea to have a list of rules on the fridge. Your child can see them and learn better.

For example, this list should include: In this family we have no secrets. If someone tells you it’s a secret, tell mom or dad right away. 

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