This Video Explains Why It Is Exhausting To Be A Full-time Mother

This video explains why being a full-time mom is stressful

There is no doubt that the term “mother” can be perceived as very fulfilling. Be a full-time mom? For many women, this is considered the best job in the world.

However, as can be seen in this personable video, being a full-time mom can turn out to be quite a daunting task at times. We take care of others for most of the year and sometimes forget ourselves in the process.

In addition, we receive nothing more in compensation than the satisfaction of doing what is best for our family. We have neither rest breaks nor vacation days. If you look at it that way, it would be a job not everyone would apply for. Yet many women practice it with great love and devotion.

Because of this, an American mom shared how difficult it can be to do housework and be responsible for a baby at the same time. Your goal is to prove to the world that it is a challenging task that has always been around.

Full-time mother - Two children stand in a chaotic nursery

The video shows how exhausting it is to be a full-time mother

Have you ever had the feeling that the laundry that you have folded and put away with extreme care is magically moving to another location in the house? Has it ever happened to you that everything you cleaned up and swept suddenly returns to its original state?

These scenes are normal for any mother. You are portrayed by a young woman who perfectly understands these sensations and mysterious facts that occur in every household with children.  Thanks to her 15-month-old baby, she knows her way around very well.

This adorable video also shows something that drives any mom crazy. It shows how the toys are scattered everywhere, even though we are constantly creating order and putting everything in its place.

Being a full-time mom is not an easy task. Even less if you do everyday life with this little personality who messes up everything behind you that you have tidied up before. It is exactly as it is presented on Youtube. At the end of the day, the hated question “What have you been doing all day?” posed.

The video is a reminder of what it means to be a full-time mom

This excellent video sums up everyday situations of mothers in one minute and 24 seconds. It is far from being an ode to the despair and stress that can arise in many women. This video reaches many viewers all over the world.

Full time mom - kids are playing and mom is desperate

The video, which shows the tasks of a full-time mother, has already been viewed over 12,000 times and generated enthusiasm on social networks. Because it shows the ups and downs that every woman faces when she sets out to become a full-time mother.

It should be made clear, however, that the video doesn’t just point out the difficulties. Tidying up, cleaning and all the housework with a little girl are not only strenuous activities, they also take a lot of time.

Has it never happened to you that your baby got dirty playing in the park? That you had to bathe it twice because it was full of porridge after eating? All of that, not to mention cleaning the house after the child has played or eaten.

Exhausted but satisfied and happy

It is correct, no instructions warn us about these details, which the video shows without any perfectionism. Doubts as to whether you are doing it right or wrong always exist. Being a full-time mother takes a lot of commitment and patience. Products from the “Motherhood” package.

You may be feeling tired, frustrated, or feeling like throwing the manual right now. However, there are days when you understand what it means to be a full-time mom. A mother for all occasions: nurse, cook, teacher, narrator, a shoulder to lean on, etc.

There are days that are more difficult than others. You always have a smile on your face so that everything runs optimally at home with the children and the family you have started. You keep setting boundaries, dealing with this grumpy kid. Because not everything that makes up a child’s upbringing is always rosy.

Being a mother brings magical, sweet and pleasant moments. Just like they are shown in this Youtube video. Maybe more frustrating, sadder or more uncomfortable. But all of these moments are part of life and you need to know how to deal with them. After all, we still love our children, don’t we?

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