Tricks And Tips For A Clean Home

A neat and clean home is not only important for aesthetics, it is also about the physical and mental health of the entire family.
Tricks and tips for a clean home

Who wouldn’t want a perfectly clean home without having to do a lot? You probably think this is an impossible dream. That’s why we decided to share with you some useful tips for keeping your home clean. We hope to help you cover all of the basics easily and efficiently.

In the beginning, it’s best to set routines. The first task is to organize the cleaning activities by area. In other words, choose a time and day for each task that arises.

If you have children, your household list will multiply. However, we are sure that if you stick to your schedule, you can do anything.

Tricks and Tips for a Clean Home : Organizing House Cleaning

Tidying up and cleaning your home involves a number of regular and periodic tasks. Some of these should be done once or several times a week. There are other chores to do on a daily basis. It all depends on how much time you have available to complete these tasks.

No matter how often you clean your home, there are always pros and cons. So choose the routine that works best for you.

If you choose to do daily cleaning, the biggest benefit is that you only have to spend a small portion of the day doing it. However, if you choose to do the housework only one day a week, all of the work will fall on that day.

Another option is to only do housework every two weeks. In doing so, you will then clean an area of ​​the house deeply. That way, cleaning is easier. For example, you can start with a bedroom one day, your garage the next, then your laundry room, and so on.

The role of children

If you have children and a partner, don’t forget   to include them in the household chores. With their help, you can achieve your goal with much less effort.

But that is not all. If you include your entire family, everyone will understand what it takes to keep the house clean. As a result, they too will want and help that things are generally more clean and tidy.

In addition to the tasks that we have to do on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, there are also special tasks that arise annually or every six months. We recommend doing this in spring and fall when temperatures start to rise and fall.

Women who work often take care of the household on their days off

Tips for a clean home

If you invest time and care in your daily cleaning routine, maintaining a clean home is easier and more comfortable when you have little or no time to do a thorough cleaning.

To make your job easier, you should undoubtedly make an investment in it. That means you should buy the tools and cleaning products you need for every area of ​​your home.

Use the tips below to keep your home clean when it comes to your cleaning routine. If you do this, you can be sure to keep your house clean and tidy:

Ventilate bedrooms well

Letting fresh air into the rooms every day is important. This also applies to sunlight. This daily habit prevents the growth of mold caused by moisture.

Tips for a clean home: dust off

The best way to remove dust from furniture and objects is to use a vacuum cleaner. However, if you don’t have one, look for a product designed to clean these areas.

Typically, these products have an oily consistency that moisturizes the surfaces of your furniture and traps dust. This means that they will prevent the dust from being swirled around and causing allergies. For this reason, we recommend that you do not use dusters.

Tips for a clean home: clean floors

Allow 5 minutes a day to sweep all areas of your home. After you’ve cleaned up all of the dust, crumbs, and whatever else that’s lying on the floor, wipe the floors with your favorite sanitizer.

You can also make a homemade solution for cleaning your floors. All you have to do is mix 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Doing this every day will prevent dirt from sticking to your floors. If you do not deal with the “floor dirt” regularly, it is usually more difficult to remove later. Also, keep in mind that the amount of dust that accumulates on a daily basis is quite large.

Bed linen

We recommend that you make your bed every day and pass this task and habit on to your children as well. Ideally, you should also change your bed linen about every 5 days.


The kitchen is an area of ​​the house that gets dirty a lot. This means that you should invest time cleaning your kitchen every day to keep it clean.

Chances are you’ll spill some sauce, oil, or splash on the stove while cooking. If you don’t get rid of these splatters right away, it will only make it harder to clean the area later.

The items you will need to clean the kitchen include scouring pads, rubber gloves, degreaser, disinfectant, baking soda, and vinegar.

If you clean your kitchen right after you’ve finished cooking, you will find how easy it is to clean up any spilled residue.

And if you’re dealing with major grease stains, we’ve got a good trick for you. Put a little baking soda on the stain, then add vinegar. This leads to a chemical reaction that quickly loosens the substance.

More tips for a clean home: weekly and seasonal cleaning

Maintenance of wooden surfaces

  • You can clean painted doors with clear, soapy water. Then simply rinse and dry with a clean cloth.
  • If you have oil stained wood floors, you can rub them down with a volatile solvent. Then immediately wipe it off with soap and hot water. Finally, heat wax over a water bath and then rub it over the affected area.

Include your children and your partner in household chores

Cleaning of other materials

  • Use an abrasive sponge and soapy water to clean your cutlery. Then rinse with water and allow to air dry.
  • To prevent knife blades from rusting, you should remove stubborn dirt immediately and then carefully rub dry with wool or suede.
  • Use bleach or acetic acid – three tablespoons per liter – or salt diluted with vinegar. Use hydrochloric acid dissolved in water for plaque or calcium residue on the walls .

By keeping your home clean and maintaining good hygiene in the house, you will help prevent infections and other types of illnesses in your family. This is especially true for allergies to dust, mold and animal hair.

In addition, through all of your efforts, you will create a pristine environment that will contribute to the general well-being of your family.

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