Valuable Wisdom: 7 Quotes From Pixar Films

The value of family, friendship, and a constant commitment to what you want to achieve. These are just some of the positive messages we can find in Pixar films. Find out in today’s article which wisdom these films convey.
Valuable wisdom: 7 quotes from Pixar films

Many of us grew up watching Pixar’s animated films. We were always enthusiastic about all the wonderful characters. In addition, we also learned many important life wisdom through them.

Some of the most important values ​​that we can see over and over again in Pixar movies are hard work, perseverance, and the importance of friendship and family. Today we want to introduce you to 7 quotes from Pixar films that contain valuable life wisdom and powerful messages.

Quotes from Pixar movies that contain valuable life wisdom

1.  Toy story  (1995)

This iconic film from Pixar Animation Studios marks a turning point in the world of animation. Toy Story teaches us a very important message about the value of friendship.

Philologist Jaume Duran explains that Toy Story delves into the concept of friendship and shows us that it is camaraderie and solidarity. But that’s not all this film teaches us. The real message of this film is that happiness is making other people happy, says Duran.

Hence, one of the most important life wisdoms we can learn from Toy Story is that true friendship consists in wishing a friend only the best, even if that means losing him or her.

2. Monster AG  (2001)

Sully and Mike, the two main characters in this film, are best friends and could hardly be more different. Monster AG is another Pixar film that conveys a very important message: don’t judge others by their appearance.

Lebensweisheiten - Die Monster AG
© Walt Disney Pictures & Pixar Animation Studios

In essence , the film goes against stereotypes and prejudice and makes fun of the concept of “monsters”. However, at the end of the film we learn that these monsters, who supposedly only exist to instill fear and terror, take much more pleasure in making others laugh.

3.  Finding Nemo  (2003)

This film, which shows us the great importance of family and friendships, also tells of perseverance and overcoming challenges. Marlin has to face his fears and prejudices with the help of his friend Dory in order to find his son. And he keeps looking until he finds him.

Finding Nemo teaches us that no matter how difficult the situation may be, we shouldn’t stop fighting for our dreams and goals. Nobody said that life would be easy and we will keep making mistakes and having hard times. Still, we should never give up hope.

4. The Incredibles – The Incredibles  (2004)

There is no doubt that the family is the great hidden superpower behind this wonderful group of Pixar superheroes. Although daily interactions can be difficult at times, this film teaches us that we still get our strength from our families.

In The Incredibles,  characters quarrel and get angry, but they also learn to work together as a family and as a team. Although these superheroes have individual superpowers, their true superpower still resides in their strength as a family. And this is what the film shows us in a wonderful way.

More quotes from Pixar movies that contain wisdom

5.  Ratatouille  (2007)

The premise of this film alone contains a very valuable message. Even if others say that you will never be able to do what you really love, you shouldn’t let anyone stop you.

The main character of this film is a rat who wants to become a cook. So she rebels against the other rats to show that with enough passion you can achieve anything you set out to do.

Ratatouille  also encourages us to focus on our future, because looking into the past can be very daunting at times. When we think of past failures, we can no longer focus on our future. Then we cannot move forward and improve.

Lebensweisheiten - Ratatouille
© Pixar Animation Studios

6. Life wisdom in the movie Merida: Legend of the Highlands  (2012)

Challenges can be scary, and being brave isn’t always easy. Merida, the protagonist in Merdia – Legend of the Highlands , knows that very well. The film teaches us that despite all difficulties and obstacles, we can decide which path to take in life. And to do this we have to be courageous and face our fears.

This film also shows us that we can all be brave, although it can be quite difficult. We also learn that through hard work, dedication, and confidence, we can become almost invincible.

7. Everything is upside down (2015)

This film teaches us that emotions are not only valid but also necessary. We need to accept our sadness the same way we accept our happiness. Yet a sentence expressed by the character of joy teaches us an important lesson. Your words are especially valuable when it comes to solving problems and conflicts.

When we are in a difficult situation, we are sometimes overwhelmed by negative and destructive thoughts. This negativity can become really stressful when we are frustrated and things are not going the way we want them to.

But everything upside down teaches us that focusing on these thoughts will not help us at all. So it is better if we look at our problems from a new perspective.

What can we learn from Pixar movies?

The value of hard work and perseverance, the power of family and friendship, and the importance of making your dreams come true are just some of the strong values ​​that Pixar Studios convey in their animated films.

There is also a message that we find in every Pixar movie: The key to happiness is staying true to yourself. Therefore, you should discover what you really want and what makes you happy and not rely on someone else to achieve this goal.

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