Walking During Pregnancy

Walking is one of the best ways to keep fit for pregnant women. How much walking is okay during pregnancy is an individual decision for each woman and her doctor, but here is a few pieces of advice to keep in mind.
Walking while pregnant

In this article, learn how  walking while pregnant can help you maintain a healthy weight and prepare for childbirth.

Moderate exercise during pregnancy has great health benefits. However, excessive exertion or high stress can endanger the baby’s health and development.

This is why many women go for walks or do yoga or Pilates during pregnancy.

What are the benefits of walking during pregnancy?

Walking is a pleasant and gentle physical activity. It is suitable for everyone, regardless of age, weight and physical fitness.

In addition, you don’t need access to a gym or any specific equipment to go for a walk. You can do it anywhere, anytime of the day.

Aside from being convenient, easy, and inexpensive, walking while pregnant also offers numerous health benefits for women. Some of the main advantages are:

Control Over Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Walking is an aerobic activity that burns calories without putting undue stress on the body.

So taking a regular walk can help pregnant women maintain a healthy weight and prevent diseases such as gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

Better blood circulation

A brisk walk improves the blood circulation in the body and prevents edema.

In pregnant women, better blood circulation also reduces swollen feet and ankles, and reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Walking while pregnant is practical and effective

Regulation of heart rate and breathing

The weight gain during pregnancy and the pressure caused by the growth of the fetus can lead to difficulty breathing and an abnormal heart rate.

When it comes to maintaining a balanced breathing rhythm and preventing cardiovascular diseases, daily walking is ideal.

A higher self-esteem for a healthier pregnancy

By releasing endorphins, regular exercise helps stabilize mood.

Easier birth and faster recovery

The rhythmic movement of the pelvis when walking contributes to the development of the muscles in this area of ​​the body.

The opening of the cervix is ​​also supported by these movements and the body is prepared for the birth.

In addition, going for a walk during pregnancy strengthens the leg muscles and leads to better overall fitness.

This enables a woman’s body to cope better with the weight she gained during pregnancy and build strength for easier childbirth.

Walking will also reduce cramps and help you manage labor better.

The new mothers also see the benefits of exercise during pregnancy when they are recovering from childbirth.

The muscle building and fitness achieved through regular physical activity will help you master the postpartum phase with less discomfort.

How Much Can a Pregnant Woman Walk Every Day?

How much pregnant women should walk depends on their individual characteristics and the stage of pregnancy. A healthy minimum to avoid obesity is 30 minutes a day.

Walking for an hour during the first 8 months of pregnancy can increase the benefits of this physical activity.

The 60 minutes can be divided into 3, 4 or 5 short walks, maintaining a steady pace and taking a break if necessary.

Make sure you drink enough water to avoid dehydration and to replace the fluids lost during exercise. This is particularly important for expectant mothers.

Many doctors recommend  walking for at least two hours a day during the last month of pregnancy .

But it doesn’t have to be a huge 120-minute march. Divide the time into different trips and take time to rest.

Walking during pregnancy can be split up

How Fast Should You Walk During Pregnancy?

Every woman knows her own body best. The right pace depends on your fitness. However, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the pace.

It is also important that every movement during pregnancy is moderate, regular and rhythmic.

If you experience shortness of breath, tiredness, discomfort, or a feeling of heaviness in your body while walking while pregnant, slow down or stop altogether.

Before starting any new physical activity, you should speak to your doctor. In addition to exercise, a balanced diet is also key to a healthy pregnancy and a more active lifestyle.

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