What Are The Best Birthing Positions?

Did you know that the classic birthing position is actually not recommended for many reasons? Today we’re bringing you a list of the best birthing positions so you can assess the benefits and potential complications of each one.
What are the best birthing positions?

The positions of birth have changed over the course of history. Currently the most common is the lithotomy position, which Dr. François Mauriceau was introduced.

However, specialists give a number of reasons why this position is rather unsuitable for childbirth.

So the question arises: what are the best birthing positions ?

Many scientists and gynecologists have raised enormous objections to the most widespread birthing position in the United States today.

This consists in the mother lying on her back in the supine position. Doctors often place mothers legs in stirrups to prevent movement.

There are two reasons for using the lithotomy position.

First, it allows constant control of the baby’s heart rate. However, the World Health Organization has found that in many cases this is unnecessary.

The other reason that this position is generally used is, strange as it may seem, for the convenience of the medical staff.

Because it is difficult to take care of a woman who moves and changes position, doctors often use this birthing method.

In other words, lithotomy location is based on the convenience of the medical staff and not on the needs of the patient.

Risks of childbirth in the supine position

The risks of such an attitude at childbirth should also be highlighted:

  • Possible danger to the baby as the position can cause compression of the blood vessels that deliver oxygenated blood to the little one.
  • Increasing pain for the mother.
  • The position eliminates the possibility of gravity assisting in childbirth.
  • The mother’s immobility, delaying childbirth and childbirth.
  • Possible risk of severe perineal injury.
  • The position involves invasive medication during childbirth, which is not always necessary.

The best birthing positions

Taking the above information into account, we are now providing you with a detailed list of the best birthing positions.

The choice depends on each mother’s personal preferences and needs.

Birth positions

1. With an upright torso

This position works both when standing and kneeling. The first major benefits are that gravity helps with delivery.

Another benefit is that the fetus and pelvis are properly aligned.

In addition, the position does not put pressure on the main blood vessels. This means that there is no risk of arterial hypertension for the mother or child.

This makes the contractions more intense and effective, and at the same time less painful.

The disadvantage of this position is the decreased ability to control the press. So if the birth occurs too quickly, there is a possibility of tears.

However, this position also makes it difficult for someone else to help with childbirth.

2. Sitting

The mother can sit on a bed, on the floor, on a ball, or on her back in a chair. This position has advantages similar to the upright position in terms of gravity and orientation.

When the baby’s head is visible, the mother should move to a different position to allow the baby to deliver.

The position is positive because it allows for the monitoring and application of epidural anesthesia. The mother can also take breaks.

3. Lying on one side

Lying on one side allows for relaxation of the lower back and efficient blood circulation in the legs.

Since this position does not exert any pressure on the mother’s blood vessels, it is particularly beneficial if the blood pressure is high or low.

Again, the contractions are longer, but also more effective.

This is considered to be one of the most effective birthing positions as it allows the mother to rest and greatly reduces the risk of perineal injuries.

4. Kneeling position

In principle, the woman kneels on a bed. The weight should be on your heels.

At the same time, she opens her knees as much as possible while the tips of their toes continue to touch. This position promotes the opening of the cervix.

Birth positions

While this position lengthens the birthing process somewhat, gravity does not pose a problem.

In addition , kneeling enables maximum oxygen supply and relieves the mother’s back.

This position may be too strenuous for a long delivery, but the mother can rest her upper body for a few moments on a birthing ball. By kneeling, she can also get a soothing back massage.

It should be noted, however, that there is no such thing as an ideal position.

In any case, it is important that the woman can move freely and choose the position that her body demands at this moment.

However, this is difficult because medical care makes it almost impossible.

Therefore , it is best to find a middle ground where the mother feels free and still has the opportunity to get help.

Many hospitals are taking steps to provide women with alternative birthing positions.

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