What The Corona Crisis Teaches Us: Solidarity!

In today’s post we talk about an important lesson that we can learn from the Corona crisis: Solidarity is fundamental and makes us strong. It helps us to conquer this disease together. 
What the Corona crisis teaches us: Solidarity!

The global spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has changed our lives, but we can also learn important lessons from it. One of them is that solidarity is more important than ever. The global, invisible enemy, a microscopic virus that is everywhere, has given us an important lesson.

We all learn and experience in this difficult situation  that solidarity is a fundamental tool in solving serious problems  and improving our society.

The corona pandemic teaches us solidarity

The subjects of upbringing and education always cause polemics and discussions. Because opinions differ about the exact goals, organization and other aspects. Yet teachers and parents usually agree on at least one thing: the importance of practice and experience in acquiring knowledge. 

The corona pandemic is a completely new experience for all of us and it gives us the chance to learn from it. During this difficult time, we need to understand what solidarity means,  how important it is and what benefits it has for all of us.

Depiction of the coronavirus pandemic

At school, children and young people learn different values ​​in different subjects. This also includes solidarity, which is taught through books or workshops. But a few weeks ago we could not imagine how much we would all, young and old, learn about solidarity in this unforeseen situation that we are now going through.

Not just students, we are all now experiencing this concept in practice. In theory, the concept of solidarity refers to the unconditional support of others or the interests of others, especially in difficult and serious situations. But the corona pandemic has developed into a problem for all of us.

What does the corona pandemic teach us about solidarity?

We now have the opportunity to learn important lessons from the new Coronvairus. These include, for example:

  • We all depend on everyone,  every single action has consequences for ourselves, but also for everyone else.
  • Therefore we should not forget the power that cohesion and acting together give us. In some situations, this is the only strategy to achieve our goals.
  • Nobody is infinite, immortal, or even better than others. What I own today and what gives me security today can disappear in a second. We also need help and support from friends at some point in life to move forward.
  • We need to understand  that true solidarity is based on sensitivity and empathy. It enables us to improve other people’s lives and situations. She doesn’t understand anything about colors, age or wealth.
  • It is of no use to us to accumulate material things, to hoard money, houses, cars or clothes. At the end of life we ​​only have the moments with our family and friends.


Thoughts about the things that the Corona crisis teaches us

The current corona pandemic has made us as individuals and groups think about our society. We now have another chance to realize how important it is to protect our earth and to have a well-functioning health system for everyone. The vulnerable social classes need special protection, especially the elderly and children.

We must also remember that we all need security and protection and that the basic needs of every human being must be ensured.

But the best  lesson from the corona pandemic is solidarity. But we still have to pass the final exam, because solidarity is not only required now, but in all life situations.

As soon as we have conquered the Covid-19 disease and regain our freedom, our social relationships and our everyday life can resume,  we must not forget this teaching and must then also act in solidarity. We must not lock ourselves back in our selfishness, insecurities, racism, unforgiveness, opinions and senseless wars.

We wish to continue to build a solidary society,  a world for EVERYONE in which we need and help each other.

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