Why Babies Cry

Many parents feel insecure when their children and babies cry. But to calm a crying baby, one must first understand why babies cry.

When their children and babies cry, many parents feel insecure because they don’t know exactly why their little one is worried. Worse, they don’t know how to take care of it to calm its crying. But to calm a child or a crying baby, one must first understand why babies cry and then find the best solutions.

Compassion is essential to understanding why babies cry

Parents need to be compassionate so they can understand why babies cry no matter how old they are.

In raising children, empathy should always be shown. It should be a common form of communication so that the children feel supported and understood at all times.

Let them know that whatever they look like, their emotions matter.

When it comes to babies, parents often think compassion isn’t necessary, and it’s more important than ever. There are parents who do not understand why babies cry when they are left alone in a cradle.

Of course, your baby will feel protected and emotionally safe in your arms. But when it’s in a cradle, it feels abandoned because it doesn’t know where you are and whether you will ever come back.

Your baby will feel more comfortable around you

If you’re not there, your baby won’t know you’re coming back. It thinks it is alone in the world. And who will meet their needs when you are not around?

When you disappear from his eyes and it doesn’t feel close, it’s like you’re on another planet.

Can you imagine that someone who is very important to you no longer exists? This is how your baby feels when you disappear (even if you’re just next door).

Why babies cry

If your baby is distracted by a toy or other stimulus, he or she may momentarily forget that you are gone. But when it realizes it is alone it will start screaming.

This is the main reason babies cry when their mothers or nannies are not around.

Your baby needs you

They need you around them to rest, even at night. If you want to sleep soundly, it is better to have your baby near you, next to your bed or in a basket attached to your bed…. because if you keep it away from you, the two of you hardly get any sleep.

Your baby needs your scent to feel close to you. It has to be able to see you in order to know that you are there…. It takes you to soothe the loneliness that plagues it when you are not around.

If he sees you, he’ll be better

Turn on a night light so your baby can see they are by your side when they open their eyes.

It will feel much more relaxed and thus fall asleep better. It will even go back to sleep on its own without you having to calm it down. Because seeing you and knowing that you are by his side is more than enough.

Your baby will feel safe and comfortable.

It may need to feel your breath, smell your body, and feel close to you. Skin contact is ideal here. If you put it in a cradle that is too far from your bed, it will be a problem for your baby.

It won’t feel you and that’s why it becomes unsafe and starts screaming. Even if you are only a few inches away, your baby feels like you are in another country … it takes you to feel calm.

You will notice how quickly it settles down when you put it in your bed or hold it. It will calm down immediately because it can smell you and hear your heartbeat. Your presence will help him feel comfortable.

Why babies cry

If you don’t have your baby in your bed but his cradle is next to you and you touch his hand, that’s enough. It feels you and knows that you are by its side all the time.

You know that if you leave the room, you will return later, and that you would not neglect your baby for anything in the world. But your little one doesn’t know. It thinks if you go you go away

When it can no longer smell you, it will believe that you are no longer there. Avoiding all of this emotional pain is easy by being around your baby for as long as necessary. It’s quick and it’s worth it.

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