Why It Is Important For Students To Have A Say

Children have their own thoughts and opinions, so we should listen to them and take their thoughts into account. Today we’re going to tell you what it means when students have a say.
Why it is important for students to have a say

The education system has the opportunity and the privilege to shape people. In addition to school education, the children are also taught important values. Hence , the school is an ideal place to create a better future society. In order to achieve this goal, it is very important that we listen to our children and take their opinions into account. For this reason, in today’s article we want to talk about the right of children to have a say.

We have a duty to teach our children and teach them various things. But we can also learn from our children. Therefore, teachers should listen actively and attentively to their students. In this way we will understand how children see the world, what their viewpoints are, and what their concerns and worries are.

What does it mean when students have a say?

Having a say for students ” is an issue that is gaining popularity and importance around the world. This concept applies to any initiative aimed at increasing student participation and involvement in certain aspects of the school environment.

Have a say - students

In order to achieve this goal, schools must provide children with the means and opportunities that allow them to make more of their own decisions. This allows students to take a more active role in their own education and learning process.

In addition, it is very important that all students have a say. No student should be discriminated against based on the following criteria :

  • disability
  • Age
  • gender
  • nationality
  • religion
  • School performance

In addition, every student should have the opportunity to express themselves and to be heard. Everyone has an opinion, regardless of their personal characteristics and abilities. And every single opinion is important!

Activities that give students a say

If students have a say, they have the opportunity to actively contribute to the improvement of their school. This right to have a say can also be used as a tool for mobilization and change. This enables schools to offer a more inclusive and democratic education.

Teachers can give their students a say through the following activities:

  • Collection of students’ suggestions, ideas and opinions : suggestion boxes, votes, petition panels, etc.
  • Role play:  group dynamic measures through role play.
  • Lego Serious Play : This method was developed by Lego. Children use Lego blocks to represent solutions to a specific problem.
  • Social or participatory map drawing : In this technique, the children create maps that contain various graphic elements to represent problems and possible solutions.

A new teacher mentality

When students have a say in the school, teachers and professors need to rethink and change their own role as educational facilitators. In addition, they also have to say goodbye to traditional teaching methods and adapt their teaching methods to the new situation.

In the traditional system, the teachers are the focus of attention and the students are often only the recipients of information. If students are given a say, however, this dynamic must also change.

In addition, the teachers must give up their authoritarian position and give the students the opportunity to participate equally in the design of the lesson. This allows students to develop personal autonomy, take responsibility and grow into self-confident individuals.

Have a say - teachers with students

Right to have a say for students: Conclusion

Therefore, schools need to introduce inclusive educational practices that give students a say. In addition, these practices should promote peaceful coexistence and ensure adequate student support. This enables changes and improvements to be made in schools.

So now is the time we encourage our children to be more involved in their own education. The following statement describes this topic very aptly:

Of course , the participation of children should not be limited to the school area. We must learn to listen to our children and respect their opinions and views in all areas of life, including in their home and in society.

In conclusion , if we give students a say and encourage them to actively participate , we can say that students will have long-term benefits.

These benefits are not limited to the school environment. In addition, having a say also helps educate citizens who will actively participate in shaping the society of the future.

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