Why Should Parents Say Goodbye Before They Leave?

Parents often ask someone to distract their child so that they can disappear unnoticed without their child immediately bursting into tears. But saying goodbye is important. Find out why here. 
Why should parents say goodbye before they leave?

Why should parents say goodbye before they leave? What is the positive effect of taking the time to kiss the child and say goodbye?

Parents often ask someone to distract their child so that they can disappear unnoticed without their child immediately bursting into tears. But saying goodbye is important. Find out why here.

Why should parents say goodbye before they leave?

Separation from parents is often difficult for young children. The bond is still very strong, so many children feel sad when they have to say goodbye to their parents, even if it is only for a short time.

Children cannot control their emotions and express their sadness and concern by crying. And parents suffer when they see their child sad. But simply disappearing unnoticed is not the solution.

Because then the child suffers even more from the absence of the parents. It feels abandoned because it doesn’t know how long it will be alone. This only increases the attachment to them. This can also lead to real separation anxiety!

Children can feel abandoned when parents secretly leave the house without saying goodbye.

Negative consequences

As already mentioned, the bond between parent and child is very strong in the first months and years of life. Mom and Dad are the most important caregivers who give their baby protection and love. 

When they split up, the little ones miss their parents, even if they are in good hands. You need the most important caregivers to feel safe and comfortable. 

Babies cannot yet understand why their parents are suddenly absent. They therefore suffer from feelings of  abandonment, fear, anger and insecurity.

When the child is back with their parents, they will become  even more attached to and dependent on them.  It now knows that the parents can suddenly no longer be there.

What to do?

What is the best way to behave parents so that the farewell doesn’t become dramatic? You must remember that children cry only because it is for them the best and most efficient means of expressing their feelings and fears. 

Crying also relieves stress and tension. Your child is showing you that it is sad when you are not there.

But through farewell and greeting rituals, it learns over time  that it is only a short period of time and that its parents then come back.

When parents say goodbye, young children often burst into tears.

Psychologists know how quickly children learn. You should therefore always say goodbye to them and then greet them happily again.

You can also play hide and seek with them. Children love this entertainment and they learn that your absence doesn’t mean they are deserted.

Over time, the child learns to say goodbye without any problems and thus has the opportunity to get to know other people, which is very important for their emotional health!

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