With These 7 Tricks Your Baby Will Be Able To Sleep Through The Night

Find out how you can use simple tricks to help your baby sleep through the night without any problems.
These 7 tricks will help your baby sleep through the night

For many parents, helping their baby sleep through the night is a major challenge . This is usually especially difficult in the first few weeks after giving birth. While developing their own sleep routine and also having to get used to everyday family life, it is very common for babies to wake up several times within a few hours.

Therefore, it is very important that you perform a healthy sleep ritual with your child from the start. This will help you avoid long-term problems sleeping.

However, it is not only important for your child to develop good sleeping habits; As a parent, you also need sufficient rest.

Therefore, in today’s article we want to introduce you to some simple but very effective strategies that you can use to get a good night’s sleep. As a result, you and your partner will be well rested and refreshed and ready to start a new day.

How can you help your child sleep through the night?

1. Feed your baby one more time before putting him to bed

Before you put your baby to bed, find out if he or she is hungry. Offer him the breast or the bottle. This way you make sure that your child doesn’t wake up because they are hungry.

If you put your child to bed after feeding, you will find that they are still awake, but already slightly tired because they were breastfed or given a bottle recently. This will make it easier for your baby to sleep all night, or at least for a few hours.

2. Try to make the sleep ritual nice and comfortable

It is perfectly normal for young children not to want to go to bed. If you have a nice and comfortable sleep ritual with your child, they will get used to going to bed at the same time.

For example, you can read him a story or play with him for a few more minutes. Make an overview listing every single step that is part of your child’s sleep ritual. This way you won’t forget anything and you can ensure that your child will soon get used to this routine.

Remember that learning good habits takes persistence and discipline. However, these routines are very important for the well-being of your baby and for the whole family.

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3. Get your baby to bed early

You may think that if you put them to bed early in the evening, your child will wake up in the middle of the night. But that’s not the case. In fact, newborns and babies up to one year of age sleep longer and wake up less often when they go to bed around 8 p.m.

Also, if you get them used to an early bedtime, your child will have less trouble getting up early to go to school.

4. Know how your child’s needs change as they grow up

Newborns can only stay calmly awake for 20 to 30 minutes. By three to four months of age, the period in which they are alert and satisfied extends to an hour for most babies.

Knowing this will help you get a better sense of when to change their diapers and feed them. This will help them relax and get used to this routine. You will then also like to take a nice long nap.

Other ways you can help your baby sleep through the night

5. Avoid overwhelming your baby with stimuli

For a newborn baby who is just about to explore the world, everything around him is new and stimulates his senses. Therefore, at bedtime, you should avoid anything that distracts your baby, stimulates their senses, and keeps them awake.

If you put your baby to sleep in a quiet, comfortable room, away from colorful objects or playing music, their nervous system will be able to relax very soon. This is how you make sure that your baby can sleep well all night.

6. Use your baby’s duvet to make them feel cozy and comfortable and sleep through the night

Another trick you can use to help your child sleep through the night is choosing their comforter. Make sure that your child feels comfortable and warm in bed with their bedding and blanket. Newborns come from soft surroundings that have provided them with security and warmth. They felt very protected in the womb.

It therefore seems logical that babies feel more comfortable and calm when they feel wrapped up in bed as if they were in the womb. You will also prevent your child from uncovering themselves during the night and make sure that they are well warmed up all night.

7. Make sure your baby relaxes before bed

Just like adults, children need a transition from activity to bed. Before you put your child to bed, you should therefore turn off the TV, turn down the music and turn off your phone. Make sure the lights in your child’s bedroom are dimmed and the room is at a comfortable temperature.

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If you want to help your baby sleep through the night, it is also very important that you and your partner are relaxed. Children can sense tension and find it difficult to relax when they are feeling it.

Therefore, you should use your child’s bedtime to relax and rest as well. Take advantage of these valuable moments and just switch off from everyday life and all worries and enjoy this break.

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