You Are The Weakness That Makes Me Stronger – Every Day!

My beloved child, you are the weakness that makes me stronger – every day! I want you to understand what your worth and what unlikely power you have over me.
You are the weakness that makes me stronger - every day!

You watch me and believe with all your heart that you have the bravest mother in the whole world. But you’re wrong about that. I too have my weaknesses. And you are one of them. But you are the weakness that makes me stronger!

My only wish is to make you happy. And there is nothing that motivates me more than you, my dearest child! You are the engine in my life – the driving force every day. 
You make me trust myself like you trust me. Like no one else would.
You are my greatest weakness – and this is what I am most proud of. This Achilles heel has become a virtue, a talent. She has taught me perseverance and lets me tackle every fight every day.

Your presence in my life makes me stand up like a walking stick. It is worth imitating how you treat me and believe in me with a loyalty that is second to none.

My beloved child, you are the most wonderful weakness. Satisfaction and joy fill my life – thanks to you! You brought out the best in me and made me shine.

The inside of me, the real me, came out when I held you for the first time. You are a contradiction: you are the weakness that makes me stronger. So strong that I can move mountains.

You're the weakness that makes me stronger

You are the weakness that makes me stronger – that I never want to overcome

You are the weakness that makes me stronger and that’s why I never want to lose it. Not even if it means that I have to give up my independence because my feelings are tied to you.

You are always on my mind and each of my wishes is for you. You are the main character in each of my projects and the motivation behind my hopes, illusions and dreams.

My life is intertwined with yours and with the happiness that I so desperately want to give you. Your tender face and your beautiful smile make me melt. Like a banner, I carry both in front of me – no matter where I go. You came into my life like a guardian angel. You alone are so much joy that it makes my world spin. 

Cold days with clouds can no longer harm me, because you bring light into my life. I’m not afraid anymore, because your hand helps me up. Your love and purity are my livelihood. Now I know that I can be a truly unconditionally loving person.

Thanks to you I can say that I am the strongest person in the world. And believe me, dear child, that is not an exaggeration! Because if love is my weakness, then it is you who fills my soul with the most wonderful feelings. 

You’re the weakness that makes me stronger It’s wonderful and contagious.

My precious child, I am strong and courageous because I have discovered my greatest weakness. This weakness does not harm me, no, rather it is a blessing.

It’s a contagious love that brings everything to life. The light penetrates my day and keeps all darkness away from our home. 

You're the weakness that makes me stronger

You are the most infectious weakness I have ever experienced. When you laugh, it is impossible not to laugh too. And it doesn’t matter how angry I am.

When you speak, all I can do is answer you. In the same way, regardless of the circumstances. I will always be there for you when you need me.

Sometimes the path appears so tortuous that it looks like it is impossible to follow. But with you by my side, my strength is many times greater. And every time an exam looks too difficult, you give me the means to take it.

With you I learned that life is full of beautiful things. And you are without a doubt one of the most beautiful in it.

Thank you for this eternal love, which has revealed a weakness in me that allows me to realize my full potential.

You are for sure the most loving and most contagious weakness that gives me strength for just about any upcoming fight.

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