Your Baby Is 9 Months Old!

Your baby is 9 months old. This is a time of expressions of affection. There can’t be enough caresses, kisses, hugs and loving gestures right now. 
Your baby is 9 months old!

This gives every mother a deep satisfaction and is enough to fill a parent’s heart with love. Your baby is 9 months and this is a wonderful phase.

In this article we want to tell you what important changes take place when your baby is 9 months old.

Your baby is 9 months old – these changes are imminent

Your baby will adopt the routine you have established.

If you have been consistent and determined with your baby’s daily routine, you will see results now. You will notice that your baby participates and fits in more easily with the daily routine.

You may be pleasantly surprised when you talk to him and say it’s “time to eat” or “time to bathe”.

Continue to maintain these rituals. Routine can have a very positive effect on a child’s life. It gives him a sense of order and security.

The baby is 9 months old and is practicing consonants

It’s exciting and also a bit fun to hear your child imitate conversations by making noises.

You can read aloud to your child regularly to support their language learning. Tell a good but simple story that they can remember. It is important that you speak understandably and clearly. Sooner or later the big surprise comes and you hear the first word.

weight and height

In the first two trimesters, the baby grows very quickly. But as you get older, growth slows down a bit.

A 9 month old baby should weigh around 9 pounds. As far as size is concerned, the guideline is 72.39 centimeters. 


We have gone through this process before. That is why we know the changes that the appearance of milk teeth brings with it.

At this age, the upper incisors come in the middle. If you notice your baby is teething, you can help him by giving him cold fruits or vegetables.

Baby is 9 months

Your baby is 9 months old – what should he eat now?

When your baby is 9 months old, you can feed him fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes, seedless grapes, mandarins, melon, kiwi, pineapple and other foods are good choices. Either way, you can use fruit that is easy to mash to start with.

 But you can also start with meat, for example with lamb, rabbit, chicken and veal.

Soups that can be supplemented well with rice and a vegetable garnish are also suitable for this age.

You can of course also continue to offer things that you have already fed and simply spice them up a bit.

Your baby is already eating fruit, but you can also give him natural fruit juice as a drink. Babies love juice and it’s healthy too.

Recommendations for a 9 month old baby

As your baby grows, it wants to move more, which in turn becomes more physically demanding for you. This means that parents also have to take care of themselves during this phase so that they stay fit.

It is therefore important that you also know how to take a break every now and then and that you also delegate tasks.

When your baby is 9 months old, you can now give it to other hands for a short time so that you have time for yourself.

Take the few hours to yourself and enjoy a relaxing bath, meet friends or treat yourself to a massage. Whatever you feel like doing and what is good for you.

These are activities that don’t take too much time and that will benefit both you and your baby.

Baby is 9 months old

Things to consider:

  • Babies are starting to sense themselves now and this is a good opportunity to teach them about themselves. Your own body is wonderfully suited to this. This can be easily integrated into everyday life, for example when bathing. You can then just say, “Now let’s wash our stomach.” or “Now it’s your face.”
  • You should also have toys ready in the bathtub, as this makes bathing more comfortable for a baby.
  • Difficulty sleeping is quite normal between the 7th and 9th months. They arise from what is known as “separation anxiety”.
  • Now is the time for kids to learn how to share. We often think that they are too young to learn about values, but now it is possible. And this is precisely why you will see great results in the future. Ask your child to give some of their food for one of their toys and be sure to give them praise for it afterwards.
  • You will also notice now that your baby is starting to listen to you. It starts with simple sentences. “Come here”, “Please don’t touch this” or “Give Mommy a kiss” are among the first sentences children understand.
  • Go for a walk together. Going to the park or even a mall can be good for your social development.

Your baby is 9 months old and this is a phase that you should take advantage of. Every period of childhood is wonderful and full of memories, but the first few months in life are worth their weight in gold.

Photos will help you capture a bit of that time. You will be grateful if you can watch them again in the future.

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