Your Child Will Always Be Your Greatest Weakness

We have said it many times: the birth of a child changes our lives. It makes us stronger, transforms our weakness and insecurity, and nourishes us with hope and courage. 
Your child will always be your greatest weakness

But we have to admit one thing: even if this new life in your arms gives you strength you never knew before – your child will always be your greatest weakness.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez once said that when ” a newborn baby first grasps his father’s finger, it has caught him forever “.

Anyone who engages in motherhood or fatherhood, naturally or through adoption, will experience this feeling.

It leaves deep marks in the heart and mind when the first eye contact takes place and the first caresses are exchanged.

We at I am a mother  have mentioned this on more than one occasion: The brain is fascinating. We are amazed at the changes he has made in raising children.

It becomes vigilant and releases more oxytocin. This hormone regulates the need to pay attention. It also strengthens the bond of affection.

But there is something deeper and more delicate that changes when we become parents. Something that amazes us instantly and confuses us even more as our child gets stronger and older and develops into an adult.

It doesn’t matter what a child does, where it is tomorrow, what or to whom it is committed. The distance that separates us from them is also irrelevant. He or she – your child will always be your greatest weakness .

You will always be part of me, half of my heart

Whether you wore it for 9 months or not, the child has also grown in your heart day by day. Your children will leave a stamp on you forever, a kind of emotional DNA that will stay with you forever.

Nobody but you knows how many nights you’ve been up taking care of them. Only you know what you have given up and the effort you have put into it. You love her more than you love yourself.

Every day of being a parent is a sense of achievement and a triumph. Even if every child has their own rhythm, you will have their incredible milestones in your memory forever.

Your first words, first steps, first races. The first day of school and the first story they read aloud … All of this is part of your life story.

It is a legacy that shapes your inner build as a person. It will shape your heart moment by moment until you realize that children are the real love of your life.

Your child will always be your greatest weakness. Time or distance do not matter.

Your child will always be your greatest weakness

It is said that mothers forgive everything. 

Children sometimes choose the wrong path and parents always have a deep need to help them. You want to be the helping hand, the warming hug that welcomes you back home.

As a mother you know: Your child will always be your greatest weakness. Because mothers have the ability to put themselves in their children’s shoes. They feel what their child is feeling and they suffer more than anyone when their own child is suffering.

A mother’s greatest wish is that her little ones, 7, 27, or 37, are happy.

This “invisible, intangible umbilical cord” has nothing to do with trying to control the child, having them close to you, or indulging in some kind of toxic relationship.

A wise, intelligent, and respectful mother will do everything in her power to make her child feel free. 

We have the power to make our children strong, but our real power is our sensitivity.

Your child will always be your greatest weakness

Your child will always be your greatest weakness

This is undoubtedly a strange but wonderful contradiction: a child forces us to put aside our insecurities, to form our character. We want to be the example of temperance, courage and strength by which our children orientate themselves every day.

Nonetheless, it is precisely our ability to be empathetic that creates closeness to them and through which we enable them to have a better childhood.

  • Being empathetic means being able to understand our child’s emotions and adopt their perspective.
  • Sensitivity means that we turn our love, respect and affection into our best educational tool.
  • To be sensitive means to transform yourself into a mirror in which our children see us as people they can understand. Who can guide you, who listen to you without judging and who do not impose anything on you. We should always raise in a fair manner without raising our voices.

That is, when it comes to educating and raising children, strength is essential because it makes us capable. But we shouldn’t forget that it is the empathy of parents that children need most. Your child will always be your greatest weakness. But this weakness also allows you to show sensitivity.

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