Your Second Pregnancy: Differences To The First

You already know what to expect, but every pregnancy is different.
Your second pregnancy: differences from the first

Your second pregnancy will probably be much more relaxed and stress-free than the first, because you already have experience.

The first pregnancy is exciting and incomparable, but often also frightening. Being a mother is a huge responsibility and you may have many concerns when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth.

Your second pregnancy  will be different, however. You are better prepared for this, you are informed and know how to best take care of your well-being. You already know that pregnancy brings risks and pain, but you also know that it will all be worth it.

Nevertheless, there are a few things you should keep in mind. The second pregnancy is often different from the first in many ways, and some differences are important.

Differences between first and second pregnancy

1. This time your belly will grow earlier

During your first pregnancy, your baby bump was likely to become visible by the fifth or sixth month.

The second time, however, it is different, because your abdominal muscles are now a little more relaxed. This means that they can adapt more quickly to changes and you may be able to see curves by the third month.

2. Your uterus is no bigger than it was before

Although you may have heard rumors, your uterus is no bigger than it was before your first pregnancy. During your second pregnancy, she needs to grow just as much as the first time. 

Your second pregnancy

3. You may not have the same symptoms as the first time

You won’t necessarily have the same symptoms as your first pregnancy. Common side effects such as nausea and back pain are likely to occur, but other more serious symptoms, such as vomiting, do not necessarily have to recur.

4. You will feel your baby moving sooner

With the second pregnancy, you may be able to feel your baby moving back and forth as early as the 14th week. In the case of first-time mothers, this usually only happens from the 20th or 21st week of pregnancy.

5. The birth could be a different experience

Even if you had a caesarean section before, your second baby could be born naturally. Your scar will not be an obstacle in the birthing process.

It’s also important to note that even if your amniotic sac suddenly burst the first time, it doesn’t necessarily have to happen during your second pregnancy.

6. A perineal incision is not always necessary

Nowadays, doctors only perform a perineal incision when it is absolutely necessary. However, if you had a perineal incision the first time you gave birth, it is possible that you will need one again.

7. It is a good idea to take preparatory courses again

Even though you took a class before your first pregnancy,  it’s always a good idea to take another class. This gives you the chance to do body and relaxation exercises and get to know other mothers.

8. You may dilate faster than the first time

The process of dilation should move faster the second time you have a child. For example, if it took you 24 hours the first time, it should take less than half as long this time.

How do you best prepare for your second pregnancy?

Once you have made your decision to add another member to your family, you will need to prepare both physically and mentally. There will be many changes that will affect not only you but your partner and older child as well. 

Play it safe by analyzing your situation and making the right decisions at the right moment.

1. Take care of your body before your second pregnancy

Often we make the mistake of not taking care of our health until we know that a baby is on the way. It is important that you start doing this before you are pregnant, as your body needs time to adapt.

Quit smoking and drinking, start taking folic acid, and watch your diet. 

Your second pregnancy

2. Go to the doctor

It is important to see a doctor before and during pregnancy. Regular checkups during pregnancy are essential to make sure everything is going well.

Doctors can also help you resolve any doubts you may have about your second pregnancy.

3. Give yourself enough time for your second pregnancy

It’s important to leave enough time between the birth of your first child and your second pregnancy. An interval of 2 to 5 years is ideal. But there shouldn’t be any complications as long as you make sure you leave at least 6 months between pregnancies.

Every family is different – so choose the right ones for your family when the time is right.

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